What is Maltitol and How Safe is It

Maltitol is a sweetener that is increasingly being used in the food industry. It is popular because it has a similar taste and texture to…

Lentils: Calories, Nutritional Table, and Health Benefits

Lentils are among the healthiest foods on the planet. This small legume is packed with nutrients and fibers that have a positive impact on health.…

Is it Safe to Take Expired Vitamins

We are surrounded daily by information on the importance of consuming enough vitamins and minerals to maintain our health. However, while vitamins are extremely beneficial…

What You Need to Know About Invert Sugar

Invert sugar is a liquid sugar that consists of glucose and fructose. This sugar is produced by the hydrolysis of sucrose and can be found…

Soy Sauce: Calories, Nutritional Table, and Health Benefits

Soy sauce is a popular addition to Asian cuisine, but its use is also growing in the Western world due to its nutritional value and…

Verniks kazeoza: oprati sa bebe posle porođaja ili utrljati?

Kada se beba rodi, često je prekrivena beličastom, masnom supstancom poznatom kao verniks kazeoza. Ovaj prirodni zaštitni sloj ima bitnu ulogu u fetalnom razvoju i…

Abductors and Adductors: Differences and Similarities of These Muscles

Abductors and adductors are two groups of muscles that play a key role in the mobility of our body. Abductors are muscles primarily used to…

Kada će moja beba jasno videti i prepoznati boje?

Razvoj vida kod beba je fascinantan proces koji počinje čim se beba rodi i nastavlja se narednih nekoliko godina života. Vid je jedno od osnovnih…

Uške: kako izgledaju i kako se boriti protiv njih

Gotovo svaka osoba, posebno roditelji male dece, mogu se susresti sa ušima. Ovi mali paraziti, tačnije glavne uši, se najčešće nalaze na ljudima i povezani…

“Najsrećnija beba” metoda: kako 5 s-ova pomaže bebama da spavaju

Dobrodošli u svet roditeljstva gde je san na premiji! Dr. Harvi Karp, pedijatar i autor knjige “Najsrećnija Beba u Komšiluku”, predstavio je revolucionarnu tehniku za…