Lentils: Calories, Nutritional Table, and Health Benefits

Lentils are among the healthiest foods on the planet. This small legume is packed with nutrients and fibers that have a positive impact on health. Lentils come in various types, such as brown, green, red, and yellow, each with properties that make them nutritious and beneficial for the body. In this article, we will explore the nutritional table and caloric content of lentils, as well as their advantages for health.

Lentils: Nutritional Table

Nutritional value per 100 grams:
Calories: 353 kcal
Protein: 25 g
Fats: 1.1 g
Carbohydrates: 63.1 g
Dietary Fiber: 10.7 g
Iron: 6.6 mg
Calcium: 26 mg
Vitamin C: 5 mg
Vitamin B6: 0.5 mg

Lentils: Proteins (protein content)

Lentils are small and mighty grains that contain a high level of protein, making them a great source of nutrients for vegetarians and others who want to improve their protein intake. They contain more protein than most other legumes, about 18 g of protein per 100 g of cooked lentils. This healthy protein source is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and folic acid, and possesses a low amount of fats and carbohydrates. Use lentils to make delicious and healthy dishes such as salads, soups, and stews.

Lentils: Carbohydrates (carbohydrate content)

Lentils are rich in carbohydrates, making them an ideal food for people who rely on a plant-based diet or wish to reduce meat intake. In 100 grams of cooked lentils, there are about 20 grams of carbohydrates, mostly in the form of starch. Lentils also contain fibers that slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and prevent a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This makes them an excellent choice for people looking to control blood sugar levels or who have diabetes. In addition, lentils are a source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and are recommended in the daily diet.

Lentils: Fats (fat content)

Lentils are rich in fat sources. They contain healthy fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acid, which are important for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. In addition, lentils contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids that play a significant role in preventing heart disease and improving brain function. Furthermore, lentils are rich in plant proteins, fibers, and other nutrients that play a role in maintaining a healthy body weight and improving digestive system health. Incorporating lentils into the diet is an easy way to intake healthy nutrients and improve overall health.

Lentils: Vitamins and Minerals (vitamin and mineral content)

Lentils are a low-calorie, yet nutrient-rich source. They contain a bounty of vitamins and minerals that are important for maintaining good health. In 100 grams of cooked lentils, there is 36% of the recommended daily intake of iron, 90% of manganese, 47% of folic acid, 22% of vitamin B1, 18% of phosphorus, and 13% of zinc. Lentils also significantly contain the mineral potassium and dietary fibers that are linked with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and improved digestive tract health. Vitamins in the B-complex found in lentils, aside from folic acid, improve mental function and have a beneficial effect on nerves and skin.

Lentils: Calories (calorie content)

Lentils are a healthy vegetable rich in proteins and fibers that contains only 230 calories per 100 grams, making it a low-calorie food. This nutrient source has a low fat and carbohydrate content, thus representing a good choice for those who wish to control their calorie intake. One cup of cooked lentils has about 230 calories, but this can vary depending on the preparation method and additions. Lentils can be an excellent source of nutrients in a healthy diet with controlled calorie intake.

Lentils: Health Benefits

Lentils are a true superfood that is often overlooked in diets. This small grain of tiny size contains large amounts of proteins, fibers, and nutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B complex. It helps in regulating blood sugar and cardiovascular health. The low-calorie value of lentils contributes to weight loss and improves digestive tract health. Lentils also stand out for their antioxidant properties that help in preventing cell damage and aging of the organism. These are just some of the benefits lentils offer for health, and they easily fit into different recipes: in salads, soups, as a side dish with main courses. Moreover, lentils require a short cooking time, making them a perfect choice for a quick and healthy meal.

Lentils: Health Risks

Lentils are a healthy food with high protein and fiber content, cholesterol-free, and low in fats. However, improperly prepared lentils can be risky for health.

Lentils can be contaminated with chemical substances or bacteria, which can lead to unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms. Therefore, it’s crucial to wash lentils well before cooking, and some advise soaking in water overnight.

Also, lentils contain phytochemicals that can inhibit the absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc, so it’s important to watch for these minerals’ intake in the diet.

High consumption of lentils can lead to bloating and gases, which may cause discomfort. This can be avoided with proper preparation and combining with other healthy foods in meals.

The conclusion is that lentils are a healthy and nutritious food that should be part of a balanced diet. It’s just important to pay attention to their proper preparation to avoid potential health risks.

Lentils: Allergies

Lentils are a type of food that can be an excellent source of nutrients, but some people may be allergic to this ingredient. Lentil allergy usually manifests on the skin, through rash and itching, as well as in the digestive tract, through bloating and diarrhea. In some cases, an allergic reaction to lentils can be more serious and cause anaphylactic shock, which is entirely serious and requires immediate medical expert response.

Those who are allergic to lentils should avoid this food in their diet. Fortunately, there are numerous alternatives to lentils, such as beans, lentil, and chickpeas. If you suspect you are allergic to lentils, seek advice from your doctor to provide you with adequate diagnosis and dietary recommendations.

Lentils: Various Types Available

Lentils are known for their richness in nutrients. It is a source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fibers, making it significant for maintaining health and vitality. There are several types of lentils, each with its unique characteristics.

Red lentils are one type of lentil that is easily digestible and also low in fat content. Like other types of lentils, it is rich in fibers and proteins.

Green lentils, also known as big brown clusters lentils, have a softer texture and pleasant taste. It is also a good source of plant proteins and rich in B vitamins.

Brown lentils are a type of lentil characterized by a fuller taste and texture. This lentil is rich in iron, proteins, and fibers. It also has a lower glycemic index compared to other types of lentils, making it suitable for people watching their blood sugar levels.

Black lentils are similar to brown lentils in terms of taste and texture but have a more intense color. These lentils are extremely rich in fibers, proteins, and antioxidants.

In short, lentils are plants rich in nutrients and come in different types. Any of these types of lentils can be used in preparing delicious and healthy dishes.

Lentils: When Is The Best Time To Eat

Lentils, as plants rich in proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals, can be an excellent source of nutrients for the body. The best time to eat lentils depends on personal habits and preferences. Some prefer to eat them for breakfast, while others find them perfect for lunch.

If your goal is to control blood sugar levels, avoid eating them at night, as lentils contain carbohydrates that are slowly released into the bloodstream. It would be best to eat them in the early morning hours, to get the necessary energy for the whole day.

However, if you engage in physical activities or play a sport, lentils should be eaten after training. This will help you replenish lost nutrients and mineral salts, as well as increase protein breakdown in muscles.

In any case, lentils are an excellent source of protein and nutrients and must be included in the diet. It’s important to focus on proper preparation to fully utilize their nutritional benefits.

Lentils: How To Store, Where To Store, And How Long It Can Last

Lentils are a very popular and nutritious food rich in proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals. To extend their shelf life, it is necessary to store them correctly.

When it comes to storing lentils, it’s important to keep them in a dry, cool, and dark place in a well-sealed container to prevent moisture release and contamination. This storage method preserves their quality and extends shelf life.

Several types of lentils can be stored at room temperature while other types require refrigeration to stay fresh for a longer time. If you’re unsure of the type of lentils you have, check the package or ask the seller.

As for the shelf life, lentils can generally be preserved for up to one year. However, shelf life can vary depending on the type, production date, and storage conditions. It’s important to regularly check lentils before use to ensure they haven’t spoiled or lost their nutritional value.

If you buy lentils in larger quantities, it is recommended to divide them into smaller containers to avoid frequently opening a large amount of lentils and reducing the risk of spoilage.

Lentils: How To Prepare and Eat

Lentils are very healthy food that is easy to prepare and adapts to many dishes. This legume is rich in proteins, fibers, iron, and vitamins while being low in fats and calories.

There are several ways to cook lentils, but the most common are traditional boiling in water or steaming. In any case, lentils should be washed and soaked in water to swell before cooking. For traditional boiling in water, it is necessary to put one cup of lentils in three cups of water and cook for about 25-30 minutes until soft. For steaming, lentils are first boiled for a few minutes, then placed in a steamer for 15-20 minutes.

Lentils can be eaten as a side dish with meat and vegetables, but can also be added to salads, soups, stews, or made in the form of puree. Also, it can be fried in a pan with other ingredients such as onions, peppers, and tomatoes, to create delicious vegetarian dishes.

In short, lentils are very versatile and healthy food that is easy to prepare and fits into many recipes. Try adding lentils to your diet and enjoy their nutritional benefits!

Lentils: How Much We Can Eat (serving size)

Lentils are one of the best foods that can be included in any diet. The amount we can eat depends on the serving size. The recommended serving size of lentils is about half a cup (120 grams), which corresponds to one cup of cooked lentils. Of course, the amount we should consume depends on our needs and goals. For larger servings, it is recommended to monitor calories and macronutrients, especially if aiming for weight loss or muscle mass increase. Regardless, lentils should be part of every healthy menu.

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