Sweet Potato (Yam): Calories, Nutritional Table, and Health Benefits

Sweet potato, also known as yam, is a delicious and nutritious food that is becoming increasingly popular in diets around the world. This edible root vegetable originates from Central and South America and is now popular in almost all cuisines. Besides being tasty, sweet potatoes are rich in nutritional values and have numerous health benefits. In this article, we will discuss the caloric values and nutritional table of sweet potatoes, as well as their advantages for health.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Nutritional Table

Nutritional value per 100 g:

Energy value: 115 kcal
Carbohydrates: 27 g
Proteins: 1.6 g
Fats: 0.1 g
Fibers: 3.0 g
Sugars: 4.2 g
Sodium: 55 mg
Potassium: 337 mg
Vitamin A: 14,187 IU
Vitamin C: 2.4 mg
Calcium: 30 mg
Iron: 0.6 mg

Sweet Potato (Yam): Proteins

Although sweet potatoes are not known for their high protein amounts, they definitely contain a significant amount of this nutrient. Specifically, one cup of cooked sweet potato contains about 2 grams of protein. While this is not much compared to other protein sources such as meat, eggs, or legumes, sweet potatoes are still an important and healthy choice for meals. Besides proteins, sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins, and minerals, making them an ideal food for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Carbohydrates

Sweet potato, better known as yam, is popular for its rich flavor and nutritional composition, especially when it comes to its carbohydrate content. This tasty tuberous root vegetable has fewer carbohydrates than regular potatoes and brown rice, making it an ideal choice for those trying to reduce carb intake in their diet. Sweet potatoes also have a lower glycemic index compared to other carbohydrates, meaning they will provide long-lasting energy without a blood sugar spike. Briefly, yams are ideal ingredients for delicious and nutritious meals, especially when mindful of carbohydrate intake.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Fats

Sweet potatoes, or yams, are among the healthiest foods you can eat. Namely, this food is rich in nutrients such as fibers, vitamins A and C, potassium, and antioxidants. Regarding fat content, sweet potatoes are not high in fats. In fact, 100 grams of sweet potatoes contain only 0.15 grams of fat. This means that sweet potatoes are an excellent food for those watching their fat intake but wanting to consume nutrients essential for the body’s health.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Vitamins and Minerals

Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are a very nutritious and healthy source of vitamins and minerals. This nutritional powerhouse is rich in vitamins A and C, which improve the health of the eyes, skin, and immune system. They are also extremely rich in antioxidants, especially beta-carotene, which helps fight free radicals and reduce the risk of various diseases. Yams contain many minerals, including potassium, iron, calcium, and manganese. These minerals are essential for maintaining healthy bones and muscles, as well as for regulating blood pressure and heart rhythm.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Calories

Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are a delicious healthy option that’s full of nutrients and antioxidants. They can also be an excellent alternative to white potatoes, with somewhat lower carbohydrate and calorie content. One cup of mashed sweet potatoes contains about 145 calories, while one large baked sweet potato has up to 162 calories. However, it is important to note that sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, and B6, as well as magnesium, manganese, and potassium, making them a great option for a healthy diet.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Health Benefits

Sweet potatoes, known as yams, are a delicious and nutritious food that is increasingly recommended in diets due to their health benefits. These potatoes contain a large amount of fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, and antioxidants that help maintain health.

One of the most significant benefits of sweet potatoes is their positive impact on heart health. The high potassium content in these potatoes lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart diseases. Due to their high glycemic index, sweet potatoes are often recommended for diabetics as they can help maintain blood sugar levels.

Sweet potatoes also have anti-inflammatory properties and help fight inflammatory processes in the body. They are also believed to positively affect brain health and help prevent cognitive decline.

Moreover, sweet potatoes can improve digestion, regulate hormonal balance, enhance immunity, and help prevent cancer.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Health Risks

Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are generally known as a healthy alternative to regular potatoes and are often recommended as part of a healthy diet. However, despite containing many nutrients, such as vitamin A and fiber, there are also health risks associated with consuming yams.

One of the primary risks is the high glycemic index of sweet potatoes, making them a poor choice for diabetics or those controlling their blood sugar. Also, if consumed excessively, sweet potatoes can lead to weight gain.

Additionally, yams may be contaminated with pesticides if not organically grown. Therefore, it is important to choose organically grown sweet potatoes or to wash them well before use.

As with any food, moderation is key, and diversity in the diet is essential to gain maximum health benefits.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Allergies

Sweet potatoes (Yams) are an exceptionally tasty and healthy addition to your diet, however, as with all foods, a small number of people may be allergic to them.

Allergies to sweet potatoes are relatively rare but can occur. Symptoms of an allergy include skin redness, swelling of the lips and tongue, hives, itching, breathing problems, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis.

Individuals with allergies to root vegetables, such as carrots, may have a higher chance of being allergic to sweet potatoes. Sensitive individuals should avoid consuming sweet potatoes or consult a doctor before adding them to their diet.

If you notice any of these symptoms after consuming sweet potatoes, consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Sweet Potato (Yam): Different Varieties That Exist

Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are vegetables that originate from South America but are now grown worldwide. There are over 400 varieties of sweet potatoes, in different colors, shapes, and sizes.

The most common types of sweet potatoes are the brightly orange yams, full of beta-carotene and vitamin A. However, there are other varieties that are popular in different parts of the world, such as white, yellow, and purple yams.

White sweet potatoes are less sweet than other varieties and are usually used as a substitute for white potatoes. Yellow sweet potatoes have a sweet and slightly nutty taste and are used in Chinese cuisine. Purple sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants and are used in Dutch cuisine to make the traditional dish stamppot.

While yams are known for their sweetness, there are also varieties that are less sweet, like the Japanese yam. This variety is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and the B-vitamin complex.

Sweet Potato (Yam): When Is the Best Time to Eat

Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are becoming an increasingly popular choice for a healthy diet. They are an exceptionally nutritious food rich in vitamins and minerals, especially beta-carotene, which positively affects vision, immunity, and skin function.

When is the best time to eat sweet potatoes? The answer to this question depends on how you eat them. Sweet potatoes are most commonly consumed baked or boiled, as a side dish to various meals. If you opt for baked sweet potatoes, the best time to eat them is during breakfast or lunch, as their nutrients are best absorbed then. On the other hand, if you want to boil them, it’s best to do so during the day, after lunch.

Sweet potatoes can also be used in preparing sweet dishes such as pies, cakes, and pancakes, and in this case, there are no strict rules about when to eat them. However, keep in mind that due to their carbohydrate content, it is not recommended to consume sweet potatoes in large quantities late at night.

Sweet Potato (Yam): How to Store, Where to Store, and How Long It Can Last
Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are a very healthy food that is worth having in the fridge. However, it is important to know how to properly store them to preserve their quality and nutritional values.

Firstly, yams should not be washed before storage as moisture can accelerate spoilage. They should be kept in a dry and dark place, such as a pantry or left on the kitchen counter, but not near a window.

If yams are stored in the refrigerator, they should be placed in a plastic bag with holes or a paper bag to reduce humidity. It’s important to note that yams should not be kept in the fridge for more than a week.

Also, if you notice any signs of spoilage, such as soft spots or stains, or if yams start to smell unpleasant, that’s a sign to use them as soon as possible before they dry out or rot.

With proper storage, yams can last for several weeks. So, the next time you buy sweet potatoes, don’t forget these tips to enjoy all their benefits for as long as possible.

Sweet Potato (Yam): How to Prepare and Eat

Sweet potatoes, or yams, have become a very popular nutritious ingredient in many dishes. This tuberous crop is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, B6, and potassium, as well as antioxidants and fiber. Additionally, sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index compared to regular potatoes, meaning they have a lesser impact on blood sugar levels.

There are many ways to prepare and consume sweet potatoes. Baked sweet potatoes with seasoned toppings or in a salad can make a tasty and nutritious meal. Sweet potatoes can also be used in making mashed potatoes, in soups, and as an addition to dishes.

A great idea is to replace regular french fries with sweet potato fries. Create your favorite savory or sweet dish and enjoy all the healthy benefits sweet potatoes provide.

Sweet Potato (Yam): How Much Can We Eat (Serving Size)

Sweet potatoes, also known as yams, are an ideal food for those seeking a healthy alternative to regular potatoes. However, how much sweet potato can we eat per serving? The recommended serving size is about 100-150 grams of sweet potatoes per day, which is roughly the size of one small apple. Sweet potatoes are very nutritious and contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but like any other food, consume them gradually and don’t overdo the amount you eat to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

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