Corn Flour: Calories, Nutritional Table, and Health Benefits

Corn flour is used in cuisines around the world as an ingredient for preparing various dishes. What many don’t know is that besides its culinary significance, corn flour also has some health benefits. In this article, find out how many calories are in corn flour, what its nutritional values are, and what advantages it can offer your body.

Corn Flour: Nutritional Table

Corn Flour

100 grams

Calories – 361 kcal

Carbohydrates – 76.85 g

Proteins – 6.87 g

Fats – 1.18 g

Fibers – 3.9 g

Corn Flour: Proteins (protein content)

Corn flour is a type of flour that is very popular in many kitchens around the world. One of the key advantages of corn flour is its low gluten content. However, corn flour is not as rich in proteins as other types of flour. On average, corn flour contains about 8-10% of protein, making it less nutritiously rich compared to other grains. Still, there are several ways to increase the protein content in corn flour by combining it with other types of high-protein foods such as beans, soy, or ground nuts.

Corn Flour: Carbohydrates (carbohydrate content)

Corn flour is a rich source of carbohydrates and represents an important ingredient in many culinary traditions. In 100 grams of corn flour, there is about 76 grams of carbohydrates. Corn flour is a very accessible source of energy and is most commonly used in the preparation of bread, pasta, and other baked goods. However, care should be taken not to ingest too much corn flour, as this can lead to excessive intake of carbohydrates and an increase in blood sugar. Moderation is key in the diet, so it is advised to consume corn flour moderately as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Corn Flour: Fats (fat content)

Corn flour contains relatively little fat, with only 2 grams of fat per 100 grams of product. The majority of fats in corn flour come from unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are beneficial for heart health. Corn flour also provides a significant amount of dietary fibers, vitamins, and mineral compounds, making it a key food for a healthy diet.

Corn Flour: Vitamins and Minerals (content of vitamins and minerals)

Corn flour is rich in nutrients necessary for maintaining the health of the body. This flour is characterized by significant amounts of vitamins A, B, E, and minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, which play a key role in regulating metabolism, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, supporting the immune system, and maintaining the health of skin, hair, and nails. Corn flour also contains significant amounts of protein, dietetics, and carbohydrates, making it an excellent source of energy and support in maintaining a constant level of glucose in the blood.

Corn Flour: Calories (caloric content)

Corn flour is a popular ingredient in many kitchens, and its caloric content can significantly impact your diet. Namely, one quarter of a cup of corn flour contains about 110 calories, while one cup can have about 440 calories. The caloric content of corn flour depends on various factors, such as the quantity and added ingredients. Moderate use of corn flour can fit into a healthy diet, while excessive consumption can lead to overweight and health problems. It is important to pay attention to serving size and total calories ingested during the day.

Corn Flour: Health Benefits

Corn flour is a rich source of dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals that offer a range of health benefits. One of the most important characteristics of this flour is that it does not contain gluten, making it ideal for people suffering from celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Corn flour also has a low-fat content, making it an ideal food for those struggling with excess pounds.

In addition, corn flour is rich in vitamin A, which is important for eye health and even skin pigmentation, while the high content of vitamin B found in this flour plays a vital role in maintaining the functions of the nervous system. Minerals such as iron and zinc are also present in corn flour and help maintain the immune system and the health of bones. This ingredient is common in the traditional diet of many countries, and today it is used as a healthier alternative to white flour in many dishes.

Corn Flour: Health Risks

Corn flour cannot be considered the healthiest option in the diet, nor can it be considered the most dangerous. However, some risks are associated with the use of this flour in the diet, especially when it is consumed in large quantities.

Corn flour has a relatively high glycemic index, which means it can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, which can be problematic for people with diabetes or other blood sugar control issues.

Also, corn flour is often present in processed food, such as tortillas, chips, pretzels, sweets, and more, and this food is associated with an increased risk of obesity, heart diseases, and other diet-related diseases.

Corn flour can also be contaminated with aflatoxins, toxins found in fungi that can be carcinogenic. Therefore, it is important to buy corn flour from manufacturers who test and guarantee its safety.

As with any other food, it is crucial to measure the intake of corn flour and diversify the diet to reduce the risk of negative health effects.

Corn Flour: Allergies

Corn flour is widely used in the diet as a substitute for wheat flour. However, some people may have an allergy to corn. Symptoms of a corn allergy can vary from mild to severe. They may include itching, rash, swelling of the face and mouth, difficulty breathing, and anaphylactic shock.

Corn contains several allergens, including the corn protein zein. Corn allergy is rare but occurs more frequently in individuals who are allergic to other grains, such as wheat or rye.

If you suspect you have a corn allergy, it is important to consult a doctor. They will be able to perform allergy tests to determine whether you are allergic to corn or not. If you are diagnosed with a corn allergy, it is important to avoid foods containing corn or corn derivatives to avoid allergy symptoms.

Corn Flour: Different Types Available

Corn flour is one of the basic ingredients in many traditional dishes around the world. This type of flour is obtained by grinding corn kernels, and it can be found in various forms, colors, and textures.

The most common types of corn flour are yellow, white, and blue. Yellow corn flour is obtained from corn kernels richer in a high percentage of carotene. White corn flour is obtained from darker corn kernels, while blue corn flour has a more pronounced color and aroma.

Besides these, there are also other types of corn flour that can be used in different cuisines. Corn flour with bran has a coarse texture and is used for making bread, while corn flour with pectins is used as a thickener in fruit dishes.

Gluten-free corn flour is ideal for those who do not tolerate gluten, and corn flour with a low starch content is a good choice for those wishing to avoid consuming carbohydrates in larger amounts.

All in all, there are many different types of corn flour, each with a unique texture, flavor, and aroma, so it is important to choose the right type of corn flour for each recipe.

Corn Flour: When Is the Best Time to Eat

Corn flour is an ingredient present in many dishes, including tortillas, sweet and savory pancakes, bread, biscuits, and cakes. However, many wonder when is the best time to eat corn flour.

If you want to avoid weight gain, it is best to eat corn flour in moderate amounts. Also, avoid eating it in the evening, as the body digests food more slowly at that time, which can result in weight gain.

Corn flour is high in calories but also rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Therefore, if you want to improve intestinal health and reduce the risk of heart diseases, you can eat it as part of a balanced diet. However, if you have issues with your digestive system (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome), you should consume it in moderate amounts to avoid worsening the health condition.

In any case, when it comes to corn flour, it is most important to adhere to the principles of moderate and varied nutrition.

Corn Flour: How to Store, Where to Store, and How Long It Can Last

Corn flour is an important ingredient in the cuisine of many people, often used for preparing traditional dishes, such as arepas, tortillas, polenta, corn pie, and other dishes. However, when we buy corn flour, it is often not clear how long it can last, how to properly store it, and where to keep it.

Corn flour should be stored in a closed container, in a dry and cool place, away from sources of light and moisture. It is best if the flour is kept in the refrigerator or freezer, where it will last for several months. Pay attention that the flour is not exposed to strong odors and that it does not mix with other foods.

Corn flour at room temperature can last up to 6 months, while in the refrigerator or freezer, it will remain fresh and of good quality for up to a year. However, if the flour starts to smell unpleasant or changes color, it may be a sign that it is spoiled and should be thrown away.

Proper storage of corn flour helps in preserving its taste and nutritional properties, as well as in preventing the appearance of insects. Therefore, the next time you buy corn flour, know how to properly store it, and it will be available for preparing your favorite dishes.

Cornmeal: How to Prepare and Eat

Cornmeal is a key ingredient in many traditional dishes, such as tortillas, arepas, and polenta. However, this flour can also be useful in an everyday diet. Here are a few ways to prepare and eat cornmeal:

1. Make pancakes – Mix cornmeal with eggs, milk, and a little salt. Heat a pan and make your favorite pancakes with this flour.

2. Add to smoothies – Cornmeal can be a great addition to your smoothies. Add a bit to the blender with other ingredients and enjoy a tasty and nutritious meal.

3. Make homemade bread – Mix cornmeal with another flour of your choice, water, yeast, and salt, and bake delicious bread.

4. Use as a spread – Make a mush from cornmeal and water and use it as a spread for your favorite sandwich.

Cornmeal is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamin B. Try these simple recipes and include it in your everyday diet.

Cornmeal: How Much We Can Eat (Serving Size)

Cornmeal is a popular food used in the preparation of various dishes such as arepas, tortillas, and pancakes. However, it’s important to know how much cornmeal we can eat in one serving. The recommended serving size is about 1/4 cup, which contains 29 grams of cornmeal and about 100 calories. Excessive consumption of cornmeal can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of heart disease, so it is important to monitor serving size.

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